The Elders are those who have lived many years of life, accumulating the wisdom from their life experiences, where real truth is realized.
The Elders can be your parents, your grandparents, friends, relatives, teachers, mentors...those who have lived many years and paid attention to the universal laws of cause and effect.
This page serves as a platform for our elders to share their priceless wisdom, and most importantly to help restore the natural order of evolutionary intelligence.
Here you can read submissions of wisdom from our Elders or, if you ARE an elder, you are encouraged to share your wisdom.
There is an alchemical gold in our perceptual world, available to us always, yet it is becoming more and more suppressed and distorted by an egocentric society of conformity, greed and disrespect.
The nature of humans is perpetual and resistant, a wisdom that can only be realized through many years of an examined life.
"THINK, long and hard before you act."
"Count your blessings. A heart full of gratitude is a happy heart."
"It’s never too late... to remember…
to LOVE... yourself…
as you LOVE… everyone in your life.
You don’t have to like what they do… but LOVE who they truly are.
Then the Truth of who we are grows."
"Despise nothing in this world, because everything is a face of God"
"You can go through life with two mindsets... you can want what other people have
you can find appreciation in what you have...this one will bring your life contentment."
" Tuning into God/the Source is where true love, healing, power and wisdom exists. In conflicts with others, tuning in to this Source will guide you with the wisdom of true love without the derailments of ego distortions."
"The more you look at the flaws of others, the less you will see in yourself."
"Great creativity and resilience are inspired during hard times ."
Don't take things so personally. We are all fighting a battle in one way or another and sometimes we are just blind to our behaviors.
Bob, 85
"Always push yourself a little harder and you will stay strong and competent."
"Never hold back a compliment."
The respect you show to others is a declaration of your who you are.
"Love more, fear less. Know your strength and exercise it."
"A good relationship requires patience, understanding and sacrifice. The sacrifice part should be executed with gratitude for the relationship. In the end, it will bring more comfort than anything. But of course, this must be a team effort."
"Gratitude is the best vehicle for getting through life."
"Be careful not to obsess over validation of your own established beliefs but rather strive toward the expanse of all that IS."
"You get in life what you give. Plain and simple.""
"Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water...after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
"You can only have peace with others, if have peace within."
The goal of a healthy relationship leading to contentedness and gratefulness, whether it is a friendship or a romantic, one or both should manifest itself in the two people becoming better people individually and collectively, which is evident in how they treat each other and how they treat others.
The true meaning of alchemy is to transmute experiences into wisdom…this is the symbolism of “gold”.
With this understanding, the following symbolism of gold depicts the process of wisdom.
“Gold is illuminating, sacred, durable; it is precious. It is almost universally associated with the SUN, or the highest stage in spiritual development. The first is black - sin and penitence; then white - remission and innocence; then red - sublimation and passion. It is heralded as embodying the powers of the EARTH, and it is light. It is the heart of the earth, so it is symbolic of superiority. Its immunity from rust represents immortality and incorruptibility. It is an amulet for wounded people.”
The golden threads of wisdom is the fruition of an examined life, a cumulative process that is profound and unique.
Life is the Soul’s purpose, the process of cultivating our experiences into eternal wisdom.
Life is the Soul’s purpose, the process of cultivating our experiences into eternal wisdom.
In tribal cultures, where the capitalistic influence of media and corporate greed does not exist, the elders are revered for their experiential wisdom.
These cultures live within the framework of evolutionary logic, learning from the past and applying it to the present. The elders are instrumental in the guidance of this systematic excellence of living, which is based solely on “what works” rather than influential agendas of personal greed and social trends of frivolous obsessions.
“Filial Piety,” a central tenet of Confucianism, is the natural process of evolution that sustains the social order with logic and respect for our elders and essentially, human life.
However, for many reasons, realized and unrealized, there is a growing deterioration in the regard for our elders, causing severe backlash to the integrity of human life.
Due to a growing lack of value and respect for our elders, there is a systematic breakdown in society, leaving a huge gap that is being filled with unsustainable agendas of egocentric greed and self serving goals.
Any form of greed is unsustainable.
Through years of observation of cause and effect, it is undeniable that greed inevitably results in corruption, mental illness, addictions and chaos.
Filial Piety is the foundation of evolutionary sustenance of the human race.
Our elders are our source of true wisdom…wisdom that can only come from the richness of life experiences.
Our elders are the Ones who have lived and loved for many years, experiencing life, loss, triumph and tribulation…this is the substance of wisdom.
Becoming an elder is divine transmutation through the sacred rite of passage known as life, from human to immortal. This precious state of existence is coming full circle from the purity of birth and innocence to the purity of death with understanding of the human process...a process that, in the end knows what truly matters in life.
The nature of humans is also evident in the most revered books.
Through cause and effect, the sacred texts outline the potential of human nature (good and bad). These writings clearly show a resistance to growth that has carried over for thousands of years, causing chaos and suffering. Collectively, it may seem overwhelming to affect change, but individually, we are in full power.
Some view the sacred texts as history while others see them as symbolic guide books for the Self, but with either view, these ancient writings clearly show the fundamental structure of human potential.
In all of the sacred texts, (whether Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism…etc.) there is a unified theme of the cause and effect of human behavior.
We have been on this “loop” of societal dysfunction far too long.
In looking back over the years (at the collective and the self), it is clear that something is keeping us on this loop.
One thing that is indisputable is that we are making the same mistakes over and over.
So what is this perpetual flaw telling us?
From the beginning, humans have clashed with each other and themselves in claiming knowledge and the pursuit of happiness.
But what drives this?
• Is it simply an unwillingness to admit to ignorance?
• Is it the nature of the egocentric self that has prevented mankind from evolutionary resolve? And if so, can it be attained?
The answer is YES.
There are fundamental ways to learn and truly evolve but how do we do that?
• Know Thyself using a mindful process of objective self-reflection and introspection.
• Know your flaws and blindspots by observing yourself and others without judgment but rather a willingness to learn.
• Perceive with the goal of attaining wisdom…everything is potential for growth and wisdom in the ever-expanding Self.
• We must LEARN from our ancestors (whether by triumph or tribulation) and most importantly we must value and appreciate the lessons they have lived. This can only be implemented into our being with authentic care and respect.
For you who has more than 60 years of life experience and wisdom to share…I welcome you to submit your wisdom.
Your life’s experiences are the golden threads that make up the fabric of the grand design. Your selfless devotion to others for so many years has exalted you to a level of true greatness.
On this platform, you are heard, you are revered and most of all, your profound purpose is acknowledged.
Please take the time to share your golden threads of wisdom and bring Light to this world.
To help you get started, here are some questions to inspire you… You can answer any or all, or simply write something that you feel the world should know.
There are no right or wrong answers, only your priceless contribution to the endless flow of wisdom.
• What is the purpose of life?
• What regrets, if any, do you have and why? (if you have none, please explain why)
•What is the most important thing in life and how do we attain it?
•What does it mean to be successful?
•Why do so many marriages end in divorce?
•What is the most important thing parents should know about raising children?
•What are some daily practices that everyone should have and why?
•Who is your greatest mentor and why?
•What are the most important character trait to live a happy, healthy and productive life?
•If you had only one thing to say to the world what would it be?
Your voice is heard. Your wisdom is crucial to the evolutionary process. Please leave your mark on this world here and in your travels to share the priceless wisdom you have gathered throughout your many years of life. Your email will remain private and unseen in your contribution. Here are some questions to get you started OR you can just add whatever thread of wisdom you feel is important to share.
**For the younger readers, it is strongly encouraged to submit questions for the elders to answer. **
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